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Wesley Snipes’ Tokenization Fund Illustrates Blockchain’s Disruption of the Movie, Film, and TV Business

Blockchain has led to a new concept in the world of crowdfunding: the tokenization of everything! Include in that large group the world of films, movies, and TV. And why? Because tokenization adds liquidity to real-world assets. In theory, anything can be tokenized, and as each and every day passes, we are seeing industry after industry dive deep into this option. The latest has Hollywood actor, director, and producer Wesley Snipes attempting to tokenize his latest movie project by the tokenization of a $25 million dollar movie fund called the “Daywalker Movie Fund” (DMF) which will invest solely in Snipes…
October 1, 2019

Is Tokenization and Security Token Offerings the Future for Pro Athletes and Sports Stars?

Don’t look now, but professional athletes are starting to look into tokenizing their contracts. In fact, Brooklyn Nets point-guard Spencer Dinwiddie is doing just that – he’s creating a Security Token Offering (STO) secured by the terms of his contract and in effect, creating the sports world’s first digital investment. By doing this, Dinwiddie is leveraging his up-front lump sum dollar amount via his STO, which will allow him to use the money raised with his tokenization efforts to fund other investments now. Investors in his STO will receive principle and interest payments covered by the longer-term payout provided by…
September 20, 2019

Who’s Investing in Security Token Offerings?

With the publishing of the World Token Market by the Blockchain Trust Group, retail investors now have access to tokenized investments via secure and immutable blockchain technology. Now the question becomes, who exactly are the investors that are taking advantage of this opportunity? But first, understand that the infrastructure of investing into Security Token Offerings and digital securities continues to grow and evolve – and this is exactly the type of investments investors seem to like: issuance platforms, securities exchanges, and transfer agent custody implementation platforms. Would you rather own a piece of a company listed on the NYSE, or…
August 26, 2019

The Mystery of Blockchain

Most people have heard of Blockchain. Of Tokens. Of Bitcoin. Of Crowdfunding. Of Cryptocurrencies. Generally, the reaction has been one of fear and apprehension. Of fraud and scams and no one should touch it with a ten-foot pole. Let us take a step back and wipe out the false notions and misinformation. The truth is Blockchain and Tokenization are incredible tools available for businesses in the 21st Century to use as a very effective means of capitalization. However, not all tokens or blockchain are created equal. In fact, some portals can leave their investors holding the bag. Normally, businesses issue…
August 16, 2019
BlogNewsReal EstateTokenization

Blockchain Tokenization Explained

Tokenization is technology that's poised to transform capital markets and the way companies raise money through crowdfunding. It is simply a process whereby some form of asset is converted into tokens which can be moved, recorded or stored on a blockchain network. Blockchain allows the sharing of files and digital assets without generating duplicate copies, and for this reason, all transactions on the blockchain are secure and immutable. Blockchain works on a peer-to-peer basis where each transaction is recorded into a block without the need for any third party - which is why it's the backbone on which cryptocurrency like…
August 14, 2019